Zaznano doživljanje preobremenjenosti in posttravmatska reakcija med zaposlenimi po bančnem ropu
Naslov prispevka: Perceived stress and post traumatic reaction of workers after bank robbery
Avtor: doc. dr. Marija Molan
Vrsta predstavitve: Ustna predstavitev
Strokovno srečanje: 11th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology “Looking at the past - planning for the future: Capitalizing on Occupational Health Psychology multidisciplinarity”
Kraj in čas srečanja: London (Velika Britanija), 14.-16. april 2014
Issues: Economic crisis and higher value of money have caused higher frequency of bank robberies. There were only isolated bank robberies in the times of the Slovenian Tolar. The number of bank robberies has increased and in 2013 (from January to September) there were 9 bank robberies in only one Slovenian region.
The goal: Psychological support to victims of bank robberies (bank workers) and creation of preventive measures to increase their safety and management of post traumatic reaction.
- Use of psychological questionnaire, intervention and support after the robbery and follow up with estimation of the efficiency of suggested interventions (debriefing, relaxation methods, psychological interventions and medication support) to the time of victim reports of stable normal well being.
- Creation of recommendations to achieve adequate level of safety culture.
- Sample: 19 front desk bank workers from three different banks (17 female, 2 male).
Results: Perceived level of stress and anxiety immediately after the robbery: immediately after the robbery perceived level of unavailability, stress and depressed mood M = 3,23 (on the scale from 1 to 5); perceived level of anxiety M = 43,71 (4 on the scale from 1 to 5). Mean time: introduction of debriefing, individual support, relaxation and management of emotional reaction and medication for 7 workers. Phase of normalization: the shortest period - one month; the longest period – 14 months. Perceived level of availability at the end of psychosocial support M = 1,31 (scale from 1 to 5) (high level of availability, without perception of stress). Perceived level of anxiety M = 30,11 (2 on the scale from 1 to 5); (no perceived anxiety).
- Increase of bank robberies frequency demands need for psychological intervention and support to workers.
- Efficiency of support depends also on the level of interventor’s acceptance by workers, his/her level of empathy, professional skills and possibilities for interventions in creation of higher level of safety.
- Psychological intervention must be supported with other preventive measures.
- Emphatical support of management is crucial.
- Introduction of additional physical barriers is recommended.
- It is crucial to introduce new behavioural patterns as part of safety culture.
- It is obligatory to create safety culture adapted to the new situation.
Effective management of posttraumatic stress reaction after bank robbery has to include a combination of proposed measures. Due to the increase of robbery frequency, effective management is a crucial part of creation and preservation of safety culture.